Full Moon Eclipse in SWATI Nakshatra
May 4th-5th 2023 (Libra 6-40 to 20-20′)

The following message is from the Arcturian High Council:

"Beloved Starseed Collective on Earth, we greet you with gratitude,
love, & compassion in our heart as you receive our message. 

We are getting this opportunity to share our wisdom with you in
order to help upgrade your spiritual DNA  through the lightcodes
that shall make its way to you during the 5/5 portal of this year that
happens to be in direct alignment with us. We have been directed
by the Great Alliance of Light to help you gain your freedom to live
your life at your own terms. You're getting time freedom, financial freedom, 
& location freedom as a gift from usYou'll find yourself manifesting
your gift of freedom in all areas of your life. We help remove
all restrictions from your path to lead you successfully 
towards your soul alignment & soul purpose. 

As your spiritual DNA evolves during the 5/5 light portal, you'll feel
the "change" within & a shift shall take place within your core.

You'll find yourself feeling more confident & more assertive in
making changes that you need to. Your dreams as you sleep will
present themselves to you as the confirmation of the changes
taking place within you. We encourage you to look within & meditate
more often to receive the source light within you. We encourage
you to take steps forward to consciously breakfree from the 
outdated ways of thinking & living. You are encouraged to change
your current location to a new city or another country to be able to
connect in absolute oneness with the vibration of the source of all
light all existence in all universes. We remove toxic energies from
your current place of stay until you're ready to move to a new &
high-vibrational location. Once you relocate to the new location,
you'll also get to unite with your true love with whom you're destined
to live a life of true bliss, abundance & purpose spreading positivity
& expanding spiritually as well as materially.

Beloved Starseeds, we are pleased to inform you that we have
successfully blocked the attempts made at stealing your soul blueprints
by warlocks/wizards/witches following the dark path that wanted to
replicate your essence to steal your unique soul gifts in order to
feel accepted praised by the masses. If there are any future
attempts by the followers of dark path to interfere with your 
glorious destiny in any way, form, or shape, we will send them strong 
reminders to quit their dark parctices. As it's extremely foolish 
& immature to even think of such a possibility because
bypassing or destroying the protective shield grid around
the chosen ones with which they come to earth is luckily not
possible at all. Besides, it's not possible to steal someone's 
genetic or galactic lineage, experiences, past lives, & ancestors
because these are all the factors that contribute towards
making up a person & their entire persona + inner core essence.

Know that, we have successfully undone the previously casted 
dark magic spells which were meant to cause stagnation, depression, 
& hopelessness. We will no longer allow dark spell-work to succeed. 
Any attempts made at soul-swaping & hijacking human/animal 
vessels/consciousness will be considered a heinous crime against 
spirit & humanity. From now onwards, all those who will perform
dark magic shall be banned from using social media or
accessing the masses. This is the end of the supremacy of darkness 
aka false light & permanent beginning of the fair & just 
authority of the warriors of light. Light is the eternal winner.

During this full moon through Arcturus (Swati/Libra) which also
happens to be 5/5 light portal all dark portals will be closed; 
hence, effortlessly disabling the magicians, warlocks, wizards, & witches 
following the dark path from attaining any success at their 
dark workings & dealings in all time, space, & universes.

Humans that were/are intentionally abusive to animals in any way, form, 
or shape due to any form of lower vibrational energies
such as lust, greed, jealousy, internalized hatred or dislike, etc towards animals 
will be receiving painful karma in the form of getting permanently barred 
from being near animals. 
We do not tolerate animal abuse at all.

We let this be known that it is the permanent victory of light & divine truth.
This is also the final call & invitation to all the dwellers of dark paths
& draconian ways of life to change their egotistical ways & surrender
their toxic "me me me" mindsets to soulful "we we we" mindsets.
Allow the spirit, allow us, to help you heal & evolve so that you are
living a truly joyful & bountiful life feeling content & aligned within
without having to mess up the balance in the natural order of universe.
Below are some action steps for those willing to align themselves
with the light & love within abandoning the dark/draconian path.

  • Meditate/pray often to seek answers within you.
  • Tame your ego to work for your highest good.
  • Avoid distractions & focus on your education/career.
  • Think before you assume, project, & say anything.
  • Respect your teachers & kind + wise elders.
  • Keep company with wise & righteous people.
  • Forgive yourself & others for past shortcomings.
  • Have healthy boundaries & be discerning.
  • Pay attention to your elders' guidance.
  • Learn about yourself to align with your light.
  • Stay connected to your reality as an observer.
  • Stop gossiping & avoid gossip mongers.
  • Eat clean & healthy food. Preferably, sattvic food.
  • Overcome all addictions & unhealthy habits. 
  • Be a master of your emotions, & not a slave.

Rest assured, we are friends of humanity & all form of life with
nothing but love, kindness, & compassion for you all. We are your
loyal allies that wish to see you progress in a wholesome manner
with no harm done to you or any innocent life form. We are always
at your service leading you lovingly towards the light & peace
within. We selflessly support & protect you & all the innocent beings.
We thank you for your willingness to receive guidance from us. Gratitude!"

I hope, this message brings clarity to you. 
I wish you lots of love & best of health + wealth.
Prayers & Blessings your way!

Metaphysical Doctor & Channel,
Ayesha Sohrab (Eyesh)

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