Mother's Day 2023: SOURCE CHANNELING

In the name of the SOURCE of all existence, that which just is, without form without gender, 
neither born nor has given birth to any, & loves all of its creation seventy times more than a devoted 
& non-toxic mother loves its only child!

Happy Mothers' Day to all the Non-Toxic Mothers out There!

What is a non-toxic mother? a non-toxic mother is the epitome of unconditional love & nurturing

power... to be a non-toxic mother means to love your off spring unconditionally & to protect them

 from all evil all harm within as well as around them. In simpler words, being a mother alone isn't

 enough. One has to be a non-toxic mother who doesn't use its child as a weapon or tool to get done

 what she needs/wants. A non-toxic mother puts her child's wellbeing in this world & the hereafter

 over all else, especially her own ego. So on, may we be non-toxic mothers. May we have non-toxic mothers.

Below is the channeled message from the SOURCE for all those guided towards this journal entry... may you find it helpful on your journey!

"Dear Humans, your children & your pets didn't just pop up in your life out of nowhere. If you have children & pets, you did play an active role in bringing forth their existence/presence into your life. For whatever reasons out of whatever circumstances, if you have brought children & pets into your life, they are your dependants. You must prioritize the well-being & comfort of your dependents before everything & everyone else. Treat your dependents the way you want to be treated by entire existence. Having children or pets isn't all about reaping benefits out of them on earth, but also about being responsible for & attentive to their basic needs & comfort. If you, as a parent or legal caregiver/guardian of the children/pets, suspect or are informed of the ill-treatment of your pets & children in any way, form, or shape, it becomes your duty & shall be your top most priority to keep your children & animals out of the reach of all harmful situations, individuals, & beings. You must never take any risks when it comes to the safety of your children & pets.

All children & pets must be raised on love. All children & pets must be trained to behave well & ethically without getting abused or bullied by their parents or caregivers. Bullying & gaslighting one's offspring shall result in parents losing their privileges & luxuries. All children & pets must be taken care of by their own parents & primary (legal) caregivers. No one else, but biological parents & the primary (legal) caregivers of the children & pets are responsible for the overall well-being of their dependents, i.e children & pets. A primary/legal caregiver is someone who consents to looking after its dependant in the form of a verbal oath or a written contract.

Every human is accountable for the choices he/she makes. Instead of wanting to change, control, &/or dominate others, every human must bring positive changes within themselves & live a life which is harmless not only to themselves but also to all that exists. No human, being, or entity can escape from the consequences of its wrongdoings & misdeeds. Similarly no human, being, or entity can miss the glad-tidings & bountiful rewards of their kind & righteous regards &/or deeds towards others."

Besides, its common sense that having integrity, purifying ones soul, & being helpful to empaths or weak ones never causes any harm to anyone. May all those who speak up & take action in support of children & pets remain happy, healthy, prosperous, & protected from all harm all evil through out their life journey on earth. Amen & So be it!!!

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