[this blog entry has channeled art & words shared on behalf of a once-bitten twice-shy desi who is fed-up of the selfishness of a tall karmic who they know is a bully & she shouldn't be allowed to go near the empaths & good hearted humans in order to protect them from her.]

"If they can make failed attempts to fool others by pretending to be healed, higher-vibrational, & intuitive, I can also pretend to be low-vibrational, unhealed, & judgemental."

dear healed arabs, kashmiris, pathans, punjabis, sindhis, & all the naturally goodlooking humans who are pretty without makeup & filters, please, go take a look at your beautiful makeup-free selves in the mirror & understand that you all deserve much better than the pretentious energies of unhealed+pretentious gujjus & marathas with such low self-esteem that... well... each has a new low standard of their own, all coming from a sense of deep insecurities & inferiority complexes so we'll skip the details... but let's highlight how the unhealed gujjus, marathas, & all other not-so-goodlooking humans behave... well, some of them act super funny, boastful & put themselves on a super high pedestal to hide how much they loathe themselves deep down (openly narcs)... & some of them love-bomb others openly, hoping to trap them into becoming their supply (covert narcs - check in with the previous ones for whom they had such praises)... all you beautiful looking humans, just let go of the not-so-goodlooking ones who try to look & act like the very-goodlooking ones but fail at it because their eyes give it all away. just move the eff on to those who are naturally a vibrational match to not only your outer beauty but also to your intellect & the beauty of your heart & soul... life's too beautiful to waste it with people who pretend to be happy but are extremely unhappy with how they look & where they're born... they live through others using them as social media props. it's an established fact that people with low self-esteem literally say & do everything to build an image that is not in alignment with their own unique truth. they're dumb enough to call themselves shape-shifters knowing not it quite literally means there's nothing authentic about them & they just replicate people they come across, but failing at that, too... if such individuals wish to become writers, here's their first book ideas in alignment with who they truly are...

"how to keep failing at mimicking those with whom i have nothing in common."

"how to keep failing at pretending to be happy."

"how to keep failing at hiding the deep-rooted self-loathing."

 "how to keep failing at coming across as an empath."

"how to keep failing at making fun of empaths & instead become the butt of all jokes myself."

"how to keep failing at creating a bad image of empaths who never meant any harm to anyone."

unhealed arabs, kashmiris, pathans, punjabis, sindhis, & all the goodlooking humans who are beautiful without makeup, filters, & cosmetic surgeries... please, heal yourselves & date + work + maintain friendships with only those who aren't secretly jealous of your good looks & authentic self. remove toxic people from your life who use you as props to build a fake image of themselves, to make room for the original & evolved ones to enter/stay, so you'll all have something valuable to share with & learn from each other.

P.S. persians & non-persians with tanned skin & naturally blonde hair shall remain off limits for all narcissists & child-molestors at all times... they can just sit back & relax while keeping themselves healthy knowing that they've been created so beautifully that deity-seeking spiritually codependent humans will happily worship them with all their being because they got the best of both worlds. okay, they're cute. that's it!

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