ISRAEL VS PALESTINE: who is right & most importantly, WHY? here's some intuitive insight in the light of deep esoteric wisdom with some of the information pulled right from the akashic records:

"anyone who believes israel was right to imprison palestinians in their own homeland deserves to live like how an average palestinian lived & lives in gaza on a daily basis over the years & years of israeli occupation of palestine... 

speak of false light & implementing universal laws to get ego's will done, look at the history of israel & it's initiatives in the world... however, above all universes, all laws, all ego-maniacs is the divine will... & it is divine will to allow palestinians to live an oppression-free life of freedom in their own homeland... the difference between ego's will & divine will is that ego's will always gets undone eventually, leaving humans learn lessons not to meddle with the universal laws for the sake of illusion of power... all power belongs to the true GOD/ESS SOURCE that is one with entire existence... the natural order of universe & mother nature is non-linear & we can not judge every situation simply by looking at what's shown to us through media... it's not a war of gender, it's not a war of religions, it's the battle of right & wrong... & anyone who is not an oppressor & doesn't live by the reptilian code of conduct aka narcissistic way of life supports palestine over israel... everyone with a tad bit of love & compassion in their hearts & divine wisdom in their soul supports palestine... it's about time when all those who wish to be fair & want to receive fairness as well as live a righteous (deeni/dharmic) life begin to support palestine & help all those who are oppressed to be freed of all kind of seen & unseen abuse. we all must not support or side with the oppressors & abusers. length/cycle of life can be very long for those who support oppressors openly or in secret, but only to be at the receiving end of oppression & narcissistic abuse, so that they may learn kindness & evolve past the reptilian ways of life. let's choose to rise above the media manipulation & see people, places, & situations as they actually are instead of what we are taught, rather, forced to see. we must breakfree from the media manipulation & confirmation bias when it comes to deciding right from wrong.

may we learn to see people, places, & situations as they truly are & not force ourselves to see it we wish to see due to manipulation of any kind by anyone anywhere... may we all be free of confirmation bias of all sorts... may we speak up for the rights of all innocent ones & also help free all the oppressed ones... may all the supporters of israel live their lives feeling oppressed & dehumanized like palestinians living in palestine (how else will they learn?)... may every palestinian & all the supporters of palestine live an adversity-free life of freedom feeling aligned with the TRUE GOD/ESS SOURCE with inner contentment, true joy, fulfilment, & freedom from all toxic mind-control & Psychological manipulation."


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  ISRAEL VS PALESTINE: who is right & most importantly, WHY? here's some intuitive insight in the light of deep esoteric wisdom with...