below is the channeled message on behalf 
of the warriors of divine truth, divine light, 
the collective over-soul of the chosen 144000.

"planet earth is the realm of duality & shall remain this way until there's the occurrence of day & night. therefore, we must not allow for all love & light approach specially when predatory energies exist on planet earth. humans are a master piece of creation & amongst the most powerful of created beings that have the ability to create themselves new universes. with such great powers within, all humans must become more responsible with the choices they make. all of humanity is one collective existence. all of humanity has one & the same collective soul as species. therefore, it is all of humanity's duty & responsibility towards their own species that they shall protect the rights & overall well-being of the children born anywhere to anyone. for any nation, country, civilization, or species to survive & thrive, it is necessary that their children are happy, healthy, & safe. anyone who willingly & knowingly has hurt & harmed or intends to hurt & harm a child due to any reasons must repent & also make amendments by seeking forgiveness & admitting their mistakes publicly.

the ruling for sexual misconduct towards children must be the toughest & carry the same amount of heaviness in the punishment as an actual murder of a human being. the strictness of the rule exists because the most powerful & sacred of all energies on earth is ones sexual energy. it is ones sexual energy that keeps them whole within themselves & allows them to create. the sacredness of this energy is the reason why all religions & esoteric traditions originating from divine source (light/GOD) forbid humans from forming sexual ties with just about anyone other than their partner in sacred union such life partner, divine counterpart etc. ones individuality, purpose of existence, & soul essence reside within their sexual energy. as proved from historical accounts, we can see that the most powerful of warriors of light & divine truth preserve their sexual energy & practice abstinence in order to fully utilize the source energy within them when at a special soul mission.

knowing enough about the sacredness of the sexual energy, it is only fair to opt for chemical castration of paedophiles that intend to or have already acted upon their sexual urges towards minors (prepubescents - uptil age 12). in the light of the bill proposed in russia for chemical castration of all paedophiles, it is decreed that all the warriors of divine light & truth shall support russia with & at all of its endeavors & ventures for a nation that is brave & wise enough to protect its children can also be trusted with everything else. it shows the perfect blend of compassion & wisdom present in the leadership that proposed such a bill. we, the family of divine light, the divine truth, the 144000 support & stand with russia above in heavens & also on earth!


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