GREETINGS OF LOVE TO YOU!!!🙏💕 as you begin reading this passage, may love & truth be the only energies present around you. may all low vibrational energies & thought forms exit your being and your space now. amen & so be it.✨

beloved soul, today i feel called to share the precious aspects of my childhood days with you. the days when i discovered i could read and understand the words i read. days when i sneaked out to go cycling out on the streets after school while everyone else was taking a nap. days when i watched cartoons (captain planet, thundercats, swat kats) on tv for an hour before sunset & read books in bed until the lights were out. my lovely habit of sneaking out to roam around to see what's out there began the moment i started crawling. yes, the child version of ayesha was very independent, balanced, energetic, generous, curious & knowledge hungry.

having all those wisdom moments, even as a child i felt responsible for everything i said & did. i used to & i still hold conversations with myself about my own thoughts, intentions, words, & actions. i would go deep on my own intentions & motives behind what i intend, say, & do. i knew since my childhood days that i am accountable for all that i put out into the universe. alongside that, i also used to wonder about the state of the world we live in. i love how i was so desperate to turn the sorrows of sad ones into happiness and joy. how i wanted everyone to communicate with each other and resolve the misunderstandings and disputes through love & compassion. how i wanted everyone to celebrate life and share their blessings with each another. that was one of the reasons why i used to give away my beautiful clothes, precious jewelry, and valuable accessories to my cousins as well as the kids i met on street when i'd sneak out of my house to go cycling. i believed and still do believe sharing is caring. i remember how i would have random downloads of wisdom occurring in my mind and would then come across the same wisdom & lessons offered in my story books & school textbooks. this actually had me follow & implement all the good into my life even more so. it's beautiful how i used to be curious about the new words i first read and wanted to know who invented those. how i was always trying to explore what's hidden from sight. how i always wanted to learn more & explore more. i was also quite good at giving unsolicited advise as a child. it makes me smile the way i would randomly narrate wise bits and pieces of wisdom to the grown ups who used to get triggered & scolded me for reminding them of what they didn't want to hear; such as GOD doesn't like hypocrisy, rage, jealousy, pride, slander, envy, gossip, conspiracies, false blames, doubt, etc. even as a child i knew we are all equal in the sight of the creator & if there's anything that makes you better than others is the amount of love, compassion, & respect you have for everyone. yes, christ consciousness it was. i standby it still, for this is the eternal truth. 

wow... what a beautiful gush of memories... thankful to instagram for the post in my newsfeed with rumi's pearls of wisdom. yes, rumi's words were all around through out the late childhood days. here goes the qoute which had my childhood memories roll out... 

"once i conquer my selfish self, 
all my darkness will change to light." 

as per my understanding, rumi meant to decode the truth of the unconscious wounded self and the conscious healed self... in simplee words, when i embrace the awareness & light within myself is when my life & world will get better & brighter. when i see the light in others, when i illuminate the shadows within me, when i transmute my own toxicity, that's when i will stop seeing demons in others. but am i just this human identity that i carry with me or there's more to my existence? it's true when said that we want to change the world and highlight the darkness of the world when we are immature, but once mature enough, we realize that the true change begins within. we change the world by changing our own mindset. we heal all that exists when we heal our own self. however, i will never ever take away your right to express yourself as you please. for myself however, what i choose to see in others, what i choose to perceive in a case scenario, the angle from which i choose to view a situation, i am accountable & responsible for all of it. i must always take responsibility of my beliefs, my intentions, my words, my energy, my thoughts, & my actions. 

this is what i grew up believing in and i still believe in it... these expressions have been my soul's way of reminding me of how all of existence and human life is merely an illusion... & my true goal & purpose is to know who i am, where i am, where i am headed, & what i am leaving behind... 

more than anything/anyone else, i am focused on my own deeds, my own karma, while i live... for i know, if i don't illuminate my shadow & embrace the light within me, i will always remain in the dungeon of darkness... i am accountable for what i take from others knowingly or unknowingly... what i do to others is what will be done to me anyway. for life is an echo, what i send out i will receive it back, too.

i end this passage by praying for you. i pray that your light, your abundance, your blessings, & the love in your life multiply every passing moment, for one healed and happy individual can benefit in countless ways just by simply being themselves effortlessly. amen & so be it.

thank you so much.
blessed BE!!! 🙏🤲✨

with love,
Ayesha Sohrab (Eyesha)
instagram @cosmicashahealings

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