dear starseeds, lightworkers,
healers, guides, indigoes, crystals, 
rainbows, shamans, earth angels, 
lovers, artists, & channels!

i am sending out my love to you!!!

what an amazing new chapter is
about to begin for you!!! you are 
breaking the chains & cycles of 
toxic patterns in your life. you are 
freeing yourself from the belief 
systems, people, & ideologies that
didn't serve your highest good. you're 
rejecting the narratives that brought
you down and made you feel less 
of yourself. you're realizing your own
worth and importance. you're seeing 
clearly how blessed you've been. 
you, my loves, are ascending rapidly 
on a soul level and that is bringing 
you more joy, more stability, more love,
more charisma, more personal magnetism,
& more of infinite abundance + blessings.

people & connections that you attracted 
to yourself in the past that were not your
soul's vibrational match are now willingly
falling away, losing their power & influence 
over you. yes, they watch you & see you 
shining bright despite them trying to pull
you lower to their soul's level so they can
continue to get a piece of you and mimic
your ways as you inspired them to be in their 
spiritual power. however, they too now understand 
that the changes that took place in their 
consciousness is due to your soul's bright
light. you were always their source of light in their
darkness, & that's why they can't keep 
themselves from finding out more about 
you. love is all that they seek which is 
within themselves, that they'll figure out.
& they'll stop avoiding their own unique destiny.
when they look for you, they take a ray of 
of your soul's limitless sun with them,
which doesn't harm you in anyway, but that's
how you recognize who they are... you know
who sees you by looking at what their soul 
is trying to tell you... souls communicate 
through shapes, colors, symbols, signs, etc.
all your efforts to put them back on their
own unique soul paths will be fruitful, since
you yourself are walking your own unique 
soul path meant for you alone.
them feeding their energy & attention to you,
that's their souls' way of rewarding you for
honoring it's path. it's all serving you! :) 
you're no longer in their reach vibrationally, 
therefore, they can't get to you anymore.
thats you claiming back the sovereignty 
of your very powerful soul & aligning them
with their own true path... how beautiful!!!
a soul becomes sovereign and powerful beyond imagination when it's walking it's true path...

know that your ascension process is
subjective to you alone & your DNA gets
activated to help to claim your destiny
which no one can fulfil for you or on your behalf.
your path ahead is shining, just like your soul.
the month of august (2021) is when you
see the miracles of your own personal power.
you will be seeing more natural glow &
more light in your own skin as an evidence
of your DNA getting upgraded.
the shimmery glow & natural pinkish undertones
appearing in your skin are your soul's
way of showing you it's connection is getting 
stronger with its origins... you are strongly 
connected to and watched over by your 
galactic family/families all across the 
multi-verse. time to celebrate!!!

IMPORTANT NOTE: the portals always open
within us. the cosmos are active all year
round. the upgrades & portals are always 
available all the time. everyone experiences
their portals opening within themselves, 
not outside of them. the ascension timing
differs for everyone which is always present 
in their own natal charts. that is if they are 
looking at the one that is aligned with their 
souls, & with their ego mind attached to 
previous timelines. may this chapter & phase
in your life be bestest for you so far... i pray
that you live the happiest & the most creative
of lives... you deserve the best of it all... keep 
sharing your very own soul's powerful gifts.

thats all is needed of you!!!

with love & prayers,

ASÉ aka cosmic asha. 

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