welcome to the portal of higher wisdom & love... 

may only energy present around/within you be of love... 

& nothing but truth & facts reach you... amen & so be it!!! 

today (september 26th, 2022) is the first new moon of the autumn season in the northern hemisphere  & spring season in the southern hemisphere. the first moon of any season marks the general influence it shall have on the collective through out the season. the new moon energy today is very potent as not only moon is in virgo constellation, but also sun, mercury, & venus are present in virgo constellation. alongside that, there are six planets (pluto, saturn, neptune, jupiter, uranus, mercury) in retrograde motion.

as virgo symbolizes the energy of maiden goddess, intuition, organizational skills, material growth, & deep inner wisdom, the divine feminine energy is going to be at its peak for you in a balanced manner. the collective all around the globe is pretty much focused on their spiritual growth & have turned their focus inwards in order to heal themselves & evolve spiritually. hasta nakshatra is a godly nakshatra that is today symbolizing the power of putting a stop to negative energies & recieving positive energies. the hand symbol of hasta nakshatra in general  is often regarded as protection, fortune, craftsmanship, clarity, & receptivity. as per the collective cosmic energy, the individuals who had become hosts to negative energies are actively seeking & receiving solutions to transmute the negative energy into positive energy. the collective all over the earth are seeking freedom from dogmatic viewpoints & connecting with the spirit of love & light within them. the clarity & higher wisdom is reaching those that seek it sincerely. the divine masculine are done chasing after any benefits associated with the karmic partners/situations & are now genuinely breaking free from the spell & shifting their focus towards their heart core & connecting with their true divine feminine in order to unite & give birth to their ideas & move forward on their joint soul mission.

those with virgo stelliums in their natal charts & also those with their personal planets in hasta nakshatra (sun, moon, mercury, venus, & mars) will have a more significant time of life going on for them.

for instance, if you're virgo stellium &/or you have your sun, moon, mercury, venus, &/or mars in hasta nakshatra in your D1 vedic natal chart, the below information is for you:

"this new moon in hasta lunar mansion as a part of virgo stellium is bringing out the best in you & awakening the divine feminine goddess energy within you that is synonymous to the empress archetype in tarot. you'll find yourself at the receiving end of divine bounties & blessings that'll help change your material & spiritual reality in accordance with your wishes & desires. you'll see an abundantly flowing increase in your luck. you have midas touch & any project you begin right now will flourish & bring you countless benefits & rewards. anything you do with your hands will bring in positive & favorable results for you as all the skills associated with the planet mercury, hasta nakshatra, & virgo sign are improving for you effortlessly to the point of perfection. if you're an experienced healer & spiritual guide, you are ready to heal, mentor, & guide those who are willing to invest financially in their healing & growth without draining you. if you're a divine masculine/feminine incarnate, your counterpart has lost all interest in the karmic or third party situation & is becoming devoted to you as they realize their devotion & loyalty towards you benefits them directly, & together you both help humanity break free from the negative illusion. you, as a divine masculine/feminine, are no longer accepting any bogus claims & empty promises of love without actions that are aligned with the intentions & claims of love. your enemies' ego is losing & their soul/souls is/are winning & putting them right on the path of truth & self-awareness + self improvement. moreover, you're receiving financial & spiritual wealth in abundance as your professional life gets better & better. you'll be experiencing one of the happiest & most fulfuling seasons of your life on all levels."

in simpler words, the collective all over the planet earth is now evolving spiritually & ascending past the toxic & limited ego mindsets. the higher wisdom, intuition, & inclination towards following the true soul path are replacing the shallow pursuits of human life. 

sending lots of love your way,

AyeshaSohrab (Eyesh/asha)

for a more detailed & personalized intuitive astrological report, drop an email at ... remember, all readings & reports are for entertainment purposes & using discernment while making decisions is highly recommended. thank you very much!


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