💙🙏✨️ greetings, beautiful soul!

ever since we humans evolved consciously thousands of years ago, we've wanted to learn about our own origins & the why's & how's of our existence. the earliest knowledge of our (humans - universes) existence in all areas can be found through the ancient texts (vedas) compiled & preserved by the earliest of civilizations, known as vedic civilization. the vedic civilization is not to be confused with the indus valley civilization. the date & origins of the vedas (compilation of texts) has a wide timeline, ranging from 70,000 years to 1000 years bc. the process of compiling vedas began as early as the humans came into existence through memorization & oral tradition. it is believed that the information found in vedas is not entirely of human origins & that it's the sacred cosmos being enclosed in the ancient texts called vedas.

the knowledge of astronomy & human body is the most accurate when learned through vedic science. vedic astrology is based on the complete knowledge of human existence in its entirety such as the past, present, & future of the flesh body, mind, psyche, soul's origin, soul's journey, soul's connections, etc. science is a tool to confirm it all.

it is through vedic science that we humans learned a great deal about the energy system of our body, aka the auric field. the ancient egyptians emphasized on the similar esoteric teachings later on, followed by the hebrew teachings, however the scientific accuracy is unmatchable & fool-proof when it comes to vedic sciences. 

"as above so below", this esoteric expression carries the weight of the fact that we humans do get influenced by the cosmic or celestial bodies above, as our souls are from the cosmos & the body belongs to mother earth which is also a celestial body itself.

the ancient teachings originating from vedic civilization & also confirmed through egyptian civilization about human body, we know that our flesh body, when alive, has multiple layers of energy (soul to some extent) known as aura. the seven main auric layers are connected to the seven main & most prominent energy centers of the human body. the second of the seven layers of human aura is connected with the second energy center known as sacral energy center. this energy center is responsible for our emotions mainly, & the auric layer connected to this energy center is known as emotional body of lower nature. & as we all know, emotions and the element of water have a very strong connection. moon being a regulator of emotions, it's energy impacts humans greatly depending on where in the sky moon is located for the humans below. some call moon a natural celestial body, some say moon is how the earth was prior to vegetation, some claim it to be an artificial satellite placed in the solar system for the purpose of observation or collection of emotional energy. each views the moon as per their own level of consciousness & bound by the limitation of their own perception. many religions & esoteric traditions revolve around moon/lunar path; the path of internal realities, the hidden knowledge, the deeper truth. many lunar religions also try to conceal the hidden knowledge from common people, but now this is the age of greater awareness & humans all over the world are receiving the truth within them as we transition from piscean age to the aquarian age. humans of earth are no longer satisfied by superficial information & seek depth & truth. the known truth is that human body is made up of 70% water, & the moon definitely influences all the water bodies on planet earth in different ways as per its location & age. the not so known but now becoming a popular truth is that the constellation & lunar mansion in which the moon resides influences the human mind/emotional body as per its age from new to waxing to full to waning moon. humans conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, thoughts, emotions, desires, & dreams are influenced by the energy of moon.

when its new moon (as per amanta lunar calender), your mind & emotional body are a clean slate ready to take on whatevet you set your mind to, such as intentions, ideas, emotions, desires & help you turn it all into a beneficial reality for you. it is guaranteed that any intentions you set during the new moon phase are bound to come to fruition in all its glory. however, do make sure that the energy of new moon & set intentions are in alignment with each other. 

tonight (2022june29) the new moon is in gemini constellation. the new moon phase begins in betelguese in orion (ardra nakshatra - the stormy star) & ends at castor & pollux (punarvasu - the twins). ardra nakshatra or lunar mansion (betelguese in orion constellation) is associated with the earliest & the most active form of energy of shiva as rudra, possibly the initial point of multiple explosions that led to the further expansion of universe. this new moon is marking the beginning of the upcoming pleasant season of monsoon as well. punarvasu nakshatra or lunar mansion is associated with the twins representing the growth of goodness, higher moral values, kindness, responsibility, & sensibility. to understand the characteristics of moral values carried by punarvasu vibration, one may study the characteristics of ram of ayodhya, the male protagonist of ancient epic ramayan as punarvasu is said to be his birth-star as well. 

this new moon is the perfect time to set an intention to let go of all that is not constructive in nature for you. the destruction of stagnant energy through inner realizations is expected & clarity shall set in for you. you'll notice that the aggressive energies shall transform into nurturing & sensible ones. self awareness & understanding of your circumstances from a better perspective shall occur for you. you'd no longer be suppressing who you are & how you feel & you'll have a renewed sense of courage to take actions towards releasing connections, situations, & timelines that weren't adding meaning to your life or were not aligning you with your path. avoid starting any new projects during this new moon & wait for a better + more suitable time. release the distorted realities & have an introspective + meditative experience in communion with your true self. spend some time alone in meditation & journaling. 

furthermore, this new moon is setting the tone for all those with their sun, moon, or rising in ardra nakshatra to fearlessly release + let go of the connections that do not meet their expectations of the satisfaction they seek from them in a way that's harmless & effortless for all parties involved. those with their sun, moon, & rising in punarvasu nakshatra will be connecting with their past lives/timelines to heal their karma & embrace the righteous path by taking responsibility of their choices & actions. this lunar cycle will effortlessly bring you positive results & healthy changes in your life without any extra struggle. 

i hope, this blog entry has been helpful to you & you're leaving this page with more clarity & awareness. feel free to comment below if any questions. wishing you a very happy new moon & a powerful beginning of releasing all the blockages in your path. may all your wishes come true & you remain fully aligned with your true purpose of existence on earth. you being your true self creates balance in the equation of life/existence.

connect for paid astrology consultation & spiritual solutions to all matters of life via email address at 

sending prayers & love your way! 💜😇🤲

AyeshaSohrab.Eyesha (asha)


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