๐Ÿ™ⒼⓇⒺⒺⓉⒾⓃⒼⓈ ๐“‘๐–Š๐–†๐–š๐–™๐–Ž๐–‹๐–š๐–‘ ๐“ข๐–”๐–š๐–‘ ✨☀️✨

this passage is written in the light of the queries & requests coming in since long. the queries & questions were all about finding the starseed markings in one's natal chart. first of all, the starseed realization & activation is mostly [but not always] of an inner knowing & comes from a place of resonance, but resonance & intuition itself can be orchestrated by external influences if the soul of an individual isn't powerful enough so the best way to find out our true soul origin & statseed markings is through our natal chart. when talking about natal chart here, i am referring to the vedic/indian natal chart. why vedic/indian natal chart? because in decades of my own individual research & studies done, it's been confirmed that when it comes to stellar/cosmic astrology, no other astrological methods are more fool-proof & accurate than the vedic/indian astrology aka jyotisha which loosely translates to "light of future or future of light" & its all mathematics & metaphysics ... light here refers to consciousness/awareness/paramatma/al-noor aka Allah/great-spirit which is devoid of labels, genders, & forms, that which just is... basically, jyotisha is a gift to align humans with their true soul path!!! (over past many thousands of years the western/draconian astrolgy was used to control the minds of masses by getting them attached to their ego-desires & lower self tendencies in the form of slavery to matrix. but the masses are now getting aligned with their higher selves, so the knowledge of unbiased truth is greatly appreciated by most humans of earth. the year 2022 has such a powerful vibration that even organic portals want to know & accept their own truth.)

in late 2020, i had lost access to the research i had done over the years, which included the data of movements of sun, moon, & earth while connecting the dots regarding the impact of above (cosmos) on below (earthlings)... but after a much needed break, it was revealed that everything i was working on myself without any help (most life path 11s are self-taught, master souls so) had been already discovered by the ancient rishis of the greater indian continent (my place of birth) so basically nothing ever was lost... it was just a break i needed so i could focus on taking care of something more important & sentimental of nature... anyway, now let's elaborate on how to find starseed markings in one's natal chart... 

the 12 zodiac signs are basically based on the equinoxes & solistices, so whether the zodiac astrolgy is termed as western, vedic, or draconian, it's all tropical... & the cosmic/stellar astrolgy is based on the lunar mansions or the placements of moon, the most accurate, detailed, & exact til now... when you combine both tropical (vedic) & stellar astrology, that's when you come up with the exact starseed, past life, & soul origin markings... to keep it simple & short, let me give an example.

for example if someone is a feline starseed or has significant soul connections with the felines of the universe will have at least one of their 12 planets in leo constellation including the ascended/rising in their native chart in certain placements... & to understand further if they just have a soul connection or they're actually a feline starseed, studying stellar astrology deeply & carefully proves to be beneficial. now, feline starseeds have originated from different star-systems as well due to the galactic migrations & to find the true origin whether its lyra, sirius, or any other, that information itself can be found out via ones stellar/vedic-zodiac natal charts... 

jyotisha is so accurate & scientific in nature that you can even tell if a person is reading a book by studying their chart. (personal experience.) jyotisha is the key to figure out if the channeling or predictions by the psychics or oracles are correct or projections of self.

it's been observed that many younger spiritualist, oracles & psychics were using their memories or projections of self & individual soul journeys to project their soul origins, past lives, & starseed markings onto others. this process is known as replication as well, but what separates it from projection is its purpose & method. it is helpful in case of organic portals or souls under a certain energetic debt, for the purpose of channeling to masses if the actual soul/human chooses to or has to stay behind the scenes, but the truth must be made known in order to avoid karmic debt. the one who is getting replicated & the one who seeks to be a replica must be willing & give their consent without any manipulation applied to either.

the schumann resonance on planet earth did change alot over the past one decade (2012 onwards), therefore many individuals all over the world were remembering their own souls' journeys. 

whereas, to actually find out the accurate facts, one MUST compare their intuitive niggles with the facts present in their vedic natal chart via both zodiac & stellar astrology... so its a collaboration between soul & mind, intuition & logic, masculine & feminine... & it actually does take some time to find out & share the knowledge of truth... the terms such as source (paramaatma aka Allah aka holy spirit), higher self (jeevatma) soul origin, starseed, lightworker, healer, shaman originated from ancient india through the wisdom of the vedic sages & rishis, so to be able to spread the light of truth without any karmic debt, it's important to honor & understand the wisdom taught by the teachers & find it in its original & true form before as well as conduct own research... so to avoid having to come back to earth unnecessarily, just to fix the errors. yes, many of the 144000 prophesied souls are returning teachers as well who are also here to correct the misperceptions of their followers due to unclear concepts.

when it comes to the knowledge of cosmos, nothing can be truer than the vedic science for this current stream of human life since many thousands of years... everything else is that what we call make-believe aka false light... present day science itself is an offshoot of the basics of ancient indian technology which is quite evident when studying archeological findings... to get a glimpse of it, one can compare nikola tesla's research papers with the archeological & mythological facts of ancient india.

the video attached here is to entertain & also give strength & power to the fellow feline starseeds & those with the significant soul connections with the felines of the universe. remember, whether or not someone has a soul connection with felines, that'll be showing through having their planets/grahas in leo constellation. so, this specific activation is for those with their planet/planets in leo constellation, & not for the deceptive, make-believe, or organic portals who abandoned their own truths to become something they're not out of lack of self-love. if you have your sun, moon, or rising in leo constellation in vedic natal chart, you are either a feline soul or a feline starseed, & you are a warrior of light & always aligned with your powerful soul that is directly connected with the TRUE GOD SOURCE aka PARAMATMA & at the receiving end of angelic love & protection. feline starseeds are powerful enough to get the most toxic of individuals onto journeys of LOVE & LIGHT... MORE POWER TO YOU, MY FELINE FAMILY... GOD BLESS YOU. MAY YOU, ME, & EVERYONE ELSE BE ALIGNED WITH OUR TRUE SOUL PATHS & WALK THE PATHS OUR SOULS/SOURCE HAVE CHOSEN FOR US & NOT OUR EGOS... amen & so be it!!!!!!



with warm & loving regards, 

~ AyeshaSohrab.ร‰yesha aka COSMIC ASHA ~


 ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™greetings beautiful souls,

i am wishing you a very happy 2022 while i channel this energy forecast for you... this forecast is for a specific group in the collective that have always tried to find ways for themselves through their own skillset or efforts... you all have not only helped your own selves with your skillset but also have helped others out... this reading is for those rare & unique souls that just don't enjoy complaining & gossiping... you guys don't thrive off of others misery & have a great amount of self respect... yes, you seek help when you need but you're not a chronic complainer who feels entitled to have everything your way... therefore, you deserve the best of everything/everyone & i am here to confirm it for you...

before doing so, i'll help you let go of what was & embrace what is... lets say a final goodbye to the year 2021, & move forward into the year 2022 with more certainty, more excitement, & more fulfilment...

to begin doing so, lets first establish the fact that every single human being on earth is a universe on its own. every single person has their own unique life purpose & soul story or life story. every single person that we knew has helped us with our own soul evolution... they've helped us be empowered, see our own light, & also helped us become aware of our own shadow... basically, you don't have any enemies or friends... what you've experienced is different aspects of your own self... it's your own higherself creating your own universe in order to ascend, & have a merger with the true GOD SOURCE at the end of your soul's journey...

as a matter of fact, the more you learn about who you are and what you're capable of, the more you free yourself from everything & everyone that is not for you... so it's safe to say that we all live in a mirrorverse... & let's enter the year 2022 with a concrete understanding that every individual & situation that we have encountered so far have helped us evolve further, readjust our own perspectives & brought clarity to us regarding who & how we are... all through what we saw, knew, felt, & experienced... so let's begin this year with gratitude for all that was as it was... lets set an intention of gratitude for everyone & everything for who & what they've been to us, because without any of all that was & that happened, we wont be the amazing person that we are today... lets forgive our own selves & others in the past & move on to our present... which is beginning for us starting now in the year 2022! :)

so, this year in 2022, you're going to experience some great upgrades & glow ups in all major areas of your life. you'll see that things will be getting better & better for you from this point onwards, which i am going to mention it all for you...

for starters, you'll be earning the respect of highly respected people & they'll be coming to you for your expertise without feeling entitled & causing any energy depletion for you. the people that'll enter your life this year are all there to contribute towards your happiness, your peace, your joy, & your success... this year is specifically designed to uplift you in different ways... lets take a deeper look...

on a personal level, you'll be leaving behind the old ways of thinking & seeing things... your perception of people & things will be more empowering than it was before & you'll even exceed your own expectations of yourself... you'll find yourself more aligned with your soul & effortlessly tethered with your own higher self. i see that your personal transformation & growth will be quite effortless & smooth without any jolts, just the way you like it... thats because the upgrades aren't just about what others see & know of you, but also about what you really have & how you truly feel about yourself.

financially, you'll be earning more than enough to pay for all your needs & wants, & still have great savings piled up effortlessly... a lot of people will come to you for your advice knowing that you've lived enough of your own life to have the kind of experience one needs in order to give suitable spiritual advice or psychic insights to others... the collective is becoming more & more aware of psychic workings & how most young psychics are often found projecting their own realities onto others instead of giving them the sound spiritual guidance... in your case, you have enough experience in all walks of life & you'll be recognized for your well rounded awareness of human existence which of course you obtained after gaining wisdom through living & experiencing life first hand & you'll be offered generous energy exchange donations... be it in the form of spiritual abundance or material abundance... it'll all be working out for you in your favor & improve your finances more & more...

& for those of you in your thirties & forties, there are some great upgrades happening regarding your overall health & appearance... your energy levels will remain balanced, & you'll be having stronger-thicker-shinier hair while your skin will have a more youthful & rejuvenated glow... your physique will be shaping up according to your own liking... & you'll be looking your best starting this year... making people believe the saying that some people just get better & better with age...

now onto your love life, i do see your past connections trying to return to your life, such as the people you dated or were in a relationship with & for that my advice for you is to remember your why... why you & them decided not to come together in the first place... there's a reason why you are not together... & you yourself know better what the reason or reasons were to go your separate ways... & for your own sake, please carefully review the choices you or they made & then come to a conclusive decision once & for all. for example, just look at how much better you are doing as compared to when you had them in your life...

& when it comes to the future of your romantic life, you've not yet come into a proper romantic union with the one that you're supposed to have a passionate, fulfilling, & an  affectionate love story with... when you meet them, you two will immediately wish to start a family with each other because both of you are quite unique & perfect for each other... this is specially for those of you who are considered not so easy to be with, or the ones who've always given their 100% in a relationship but rarely received back the same... that's because you are meant to be with the one who is literally made for you... like a match made in heaven... so, getting back with someone from your past is not going to serve either of you... you both have already played the role you needed to play in order to help both of you evolve, & thats that for it...

& now, you need to make room for the real one coming your way which is quite soon, & as a matter of fact, the wedding is on the cards for you this year... & if there were any glitches in your life recently, then unfortunately, they were due to those people from your past who are still indecisive about what they really want, but to soothe their hurt ego, want your life to revolve around them... but everyone who knows you knows that your life only revolves around your own spiritual freedom, personal expansion, & soul ascension, & not around a person or thing... any gunk in your life was from the people from your past that were sending evil eye your way seeing you doing well without them, so yeah, always keep an extra layer of spiritual protection with you if you like (although, you're divinely protected)... as for your life partner, they will be consistent & certain of you... they're the kind of person with whom you'll enjoy every aspect of life... be it as simple as breathing or as complex as conquering the world together... you have a happily ever after written for you & your life partner... remember, it's all already written, whatever good is meant for you will never miss you, no matter what...

adding to that, spirit wants you to know that you & your dear ones are safe through out... you'll always be brought out of any situation that's not pleasant for you... & you don't need to worry about anything else... just keep following your intuition... & yes, drink lots of water... believe in yourself & have faith in GOD... you're loved & you're cherished... sending lots & lots of love your way... GOD BLESS YOU... thank you!!!

with LOVE, 
cosmic asha (instagram & youtube)


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