πŸ™☀️ greetings of love to you, beautiful soul!

today is sunday (representing joy, happiness, fun, inner fulfillment, excitement, highest vibrations, the day of soul) marking the 12/12 portal when its numerologically holding the vibration of master number 11, making it all an exceptionally powerful day for you to manifest your desired timelines... i digitally encapsulate the energy of this day in the lightcoded affirmative image attached & assist you with removing the unwanted energies from your core & space on all planes of existence so that you can effortlessly be your joyful self, so to effortlessly attract your love filled & abundant timelines... today's energy will be accessible to you through the affirmative lightcoded image attached in this article whenever you view & read it, as its timeless. 

your vibrational frequency now is raising to the highest possible levels. you are becoming a vibrational match to your wish fulfillment. as you are now taking your power back from everything & everyone that do not serve your highest good on all planes of your existence. you are no longer giving your power away to low vibrational entities that used to thrive off of your low vibrational emotions & fears. 

you are no longer allowing the energetic parasites & archonic entities to create chaos in your reality in the name of shadow work. 
you have energetic immunity against soul sucking parasites that try to siphon your life force energy. you are closing all the dark portals that created a link between you and the agents & workers of archonic hives. 

you are taking your power back from chaos mongers.
you are taking your power back from serpentine energy extraction bio-machines.
you are taking your power back from beings who betrayed you.
you are taking your power back from beings who tricked you.
you are taking your power back from abusive people & situations.
you are taking your power back from beings who harmed you.
you are taking your power back from beings who hurt you.
you are taking your power back from beings who tried to control you.
you are taking your power back from archonic entities.
you are taking your power back from soulless beings.
you are taking your power back from organic portals.
you are taking your power back from spiritual shapeshifters.
you are taking your power back from traumatic timelines.
you are taking your power back from beings who stole from you.
you are taking your power back from beings who conspired against you.
you are taking your power back from toxic connections.
you are taking your power back from hateful beings.
you are taking your power back from unfair people & situations.
you are taking your power back from energy vampires.
you are taking your power back from people who lied to you.
amen & so be it.

all your power is back within you & now you are using your GOD SOURCE given power to build yourself up & help, guide, & protect the ones you care for. your source of energy & power is the true CREATOR/SOURCE GOD & not the manipulative & false demiurge entity that leeches off of the energy of fear in humans through its serpentine energy extraction bio-machines. you are divinely protected & divinely guided. you are a creation of light & a beloved child of universe. always remember this eternal truth.. 
i am with you.
i support you..
i honor you..
i respect you..
i hold space for you..
i trust you..
i am always here for you to bring out 
the best in you, & all through unconditional love.

sending lots of love your way!!!
AyeSHA! :) πŸ’—πŸ’™
instagram @AyeshaSohrab.Γ‰yesha @cosmicasha
youtube: @cosmicasha


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