๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’—greetings of LOVE & PEACE to you!!!๐Ÿ’—

as i begin channeling, may the only energy present within & around you & me be of love & eternal truth. may all toxic & deceptive energies exit our existence & space in all directions of time, past present & future. may we always remain aligned with love & eternal truth. 

this message below is for anyone who has felt off lately. continue reading if you were feeling unsettled or low & needed some answers...

"every individual on earth has their own path to walk. everyone is doing their best from their level of consciousness. you know exactly how you really feel deep down. these words are meant to guide you towards what's meant for you. you, at this moment, are reading this because your higherself,  GOD, & spirit team are helping you operate at your best. you are being encouraged to start removing yourself from places where you are not meant to be. you are being led towards staying in your alignment with your spirit. you are guided towards retrieving your energy & soul from anywhere that is not in alignment with your core values. what are your core values? what are the core values of all those whom you associate yourself with? 

the people you follow & connect with, are they demonstrating the fruits of the spirit? do you see love, do you see compassion, do you see peace, do you see kindness, do you see gentleness, do you see faithfulness, do you see higher moral values in them? if not, what are you doing with or around them? 

are they demonstrating the fruits of the flesh? are they jealous? are they stuck in bodily consciousness? are they envious? are they wordly? are they demonstrating impurity? are they demonstrating sexual immorality? if yes, gather your courage & remove yourself from them completely. you must pull your power & energy back from them. 

ask yourself, what & who are you connecting with & why? be careful of the company that you keep. understand that you are a product of your environment & one's environment will always have a lasting impact on their consciousness as well as their karma. choose to ascend spiritually. 

for advice, you are being encouraged to narrow your social circle down to a few people that you can count on one hand. choose people that are on the path of spiritual evolution & not the pleasures of flesh. the physical form, it's tendencies, & all materials are a temporary earthly reality through which we are meant to evolve spiritually. do not choose the pleasures of this world over your eternal abode. what are you investing your time & energy in? 

people that are right for you will always speak of GOD & refer to GOD while always making sure their moral values are intact. beware of the deceptive spirits, though.

["do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals."] do not allow your environment to destroy your moral values. choose spirit over ego!

you have the ability to discern between what's right & what's wrong. you have the ability to find out the hidden knowledge. you are gifted with a vision that helps you see beyond the veil. use your abilities to your soul's advantage. be team soul, not team ego. may you always be guided towards what is true & good for you." 


thank you so much.

lots of love your way.

AyeshaSohrab.Eyesha (asha)

instagram @cosmicashahealings 



 ๐Ÿ™greetings of PEACE & LOVE to you... ๐Ÿ’• 

as i begin channeling the wisdom here, may the only energy present in your space be of divine love & eternal truth. may all low vibrational energies exit your space immediately. 
the divine feminine archetype, the intuitive & creative half of the logical & protective divine masculine, when manifested in physical form of a womb-man (woman) is a sacred woman, the woman of substance, the woman of integrity, the woman of her own will, the woman of higher wisdom, the woman of love, the woman of medicine, the woman of light, & the woman of positive changes. i would like to share some attributes of such a woman, the clear signs whether or not meant to walk the divine feminine path. you can use this list to look within yourself to know if you are indeed a sacred feminine manifest or this lifetime is about balancing the karmic scale for yourself. these attributes are the core values embedded into the moral compass of the divine feminine. 

1. as the divine feminine, you are unbiased, a natural leader of universal love & soul empowerment. you naturally & effortlessly exude a vibrant & graceful aura. 

2. as the divine feminine, you are unconditionally nurturing & fiercely protective of those you consider your own. your energetic boundaries are healthy & you don't lower your standards or vibration to accommodate anyone's lower vibrational behaviors.

3. as the divine feminine you always receive all your answers within yourself through your intuition, & guide others too through your intuition from a place of love.

4. the divine feminine has high moral values, such as integrity, honesty, self reflection, loyalty, & respect. you keep your distance from those that drain you energetically without giving back equally.

5. as the divine feminine, you are born aligned with the universal laws & all your moves are effortlessly soul aligned. you naturally prioritize the completion of your soul mission without getting distracted along the way.

6. as the divine feminine, you remain aware of the impermanence of human life, therefore your focus, knowingly/unknowingly, is always on keeping a clear karmic record so to not descend lower due to any karmic/energetic debt. 

5. as the divine feminine you consider moral imperfections such as dishonesty, forming negative judgements, toxic belief systems, discrimination of any kind, & gossip to be the acts of immature & toxic ego & refrain from indulging in such activities. you avoid individuals with these tendencies.

6. as the divine feminine, you don't get involved in romantic partnerships with the committed or married individuals, no matter what the circumstances. you honor & maintain the code of sacred sisterhood out of your self-respect & integrity. 

7. as the divine feminine, you do not exploit your body & sexual energy as you are in control of your sexual desires. your romantic relationships focus on serving the higher purpose of inner illumination through spiritual alchemy.

8. as the divine feminine you consider your life journey to be a beautiful human experience & don't shy away from living your life to the fullest by boldly being you.

9. as the divine feminine, you are not an escapist & you always choose to live & express your truth openly & fearlessly knowing that you're always divinely aligned & protected from what's not for you.

10. as the divine feminine, you do not control & own living beings to satisfy your negative ego or to pacify your fears. you honor others life journey, privacy & their right to practice free will. you're secure in your knowing that you deserve the best only & the best won't put you down in any way or manner.

11. you are never bored. you're always busy evolving & as a result your inner world is effortlessly colorful & exciting enough for you to never depend on external stimulation to feel good or happy about being alive.

if you resonate with the above mentioned attributes & feel its your story, you are an embodiment of the divine feminine archetype. you must continue following your own path, your own heart. being a divine feminine archetype also means you are a mother goddess carrying the sacred sophianic wisdom within your core. your soul family ascends as well when you ascend. you are divinely protected & divinely guided on your path. you've got nothing to worry, nothing to fear about, so just continue being you. i honor you, i accept you, & i love you... all of existence does so!



AyeshaSohrab.Eyesha (asha)

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