🙏 greetings of LOVE to you!!!💗

just wanted to share a quick channeling regarding afghanistan for those who wonder the spiritual whys behind what's going on. as you already probably know
that our planet earth, gaia, is alive just like us humans. the way we have energy centers (chakras),the same way earth also has different energy centers. all parts of earth, all regions have a diverse role & vibration exactly like the energy centers in our bodies.

the way we can not expect root chakra to act like
crown chakra, same way we can not expect
afghanistan to be like usa... every country has
its own diverse role & cultural vibration to contribute
 towards planetary ascension... we can make an infant
 dress like an adult, but we can not make the infant
live like & cater to adult responsibilities...
with the passage of time, things will get better in afghanistan, & by afghani men & women together.
they shall co-exist knowing that fairness is the 
key to a peaceful, happy, & successful civilization.
afghani men have understood & realized that war
was imposed on them due to their ill-treatment of
women. the higher forces will intervene again if the
women are mistreated. men who do not treat women
& children with love & respect deserve no authority.
nations that were not respectful towards their
women have seen worst of falls for themselves. 

DISCLAIMER: i am not calling afghanistan an infant... nor do i mean usa by the term higher forces. higher forces such as the ascended masters, archangels, & galactics influence the needed changes across the globe . 
just quick & easy examples.. :) 




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